CongratsStudent Yang Song-ren, supervised by A. P. Ching-Ming Lai of the Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, was awarded the Best Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology (2021) for his research on ′New Variable Capacitor Module for High Efficiency Wireless Transmission System′(新型可變電容模組於高效率無線傳電系統之研製).
Congrats本院電機工程學系賴慶明老師指導研究生(楊淞任、梁証柏)以「主動式控制陶瓷電容模組於無線傳電系統之應用」,榮獲2021臺灣能潔能科技創意實作競賽大專綠運輸組銀牌 (2021)
Congrats本院電機系賴慶明副教授指導研究生(何朝郁、呂柏賢、劉定有)以「應用於車輛發電機系統之高功因電池充電器研製」,榮獲2021臺灣能潔能科技創意實作競賽 大專綠運輸組 銅牌 (2021)′
CongratsPostdoctoral researcher Dr Guan-ting Chen, supervised by Professor Shu-tong, Zhang of the Graduate Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, was awarded “The Postdoctoral Researcher Research Award” for the 109th academic year
CongratsStudents Chang, Che-Lun(張哲綸), Yang, Song-Ren(楊淞任) and (呂柏賢), directed by A. P. Ching-Ming Lai(賴慶明), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with Best Practice Award(最佳實作獎) in “2020 National Colleges and Universities Industry-Academy Innovation Competition(2020全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽)” by the study of “基於負載追蹤技術實現高偏移容忍度的無線電力傳輸系統.”
CongratsStudents Pan, Ming-He(潘明禾) and Liang, Cheng-Po(梁証柏), directed by A. P. Ching-Ming Lai(賴慶明), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with Honorable Mention Award(佳作) by the study of “兼具高傳輸距離與高轉換效率之千瓦級無線充電系統” in“The 4th Energy and Refrigerating Air-conditioning Engineering Innovation Competition(2020第四屆能源與冷凍空調創意發明競賽)” from “Taiwan Society of Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers(台灣冷凍空調學會).”
CongratsStudent Hsu, Ching-Yu(許境祐), directed by Prof. Zing-Way Pei(裴靜偉), Department of Electrical Engineering, was honored with Excellence Award(優勝獎) in “LiveStrong Applied Paper Competition Article Contribution(2020立創盃應用論文競賽).”
CongratsStudent Hsu, Ching-Yu(許境祐), directed by Prof. Zing-Way Pei(裴靜偉), Department of Electrical Engineering, was honored with Honorable Mention Award(佳作) in Electronic Group “109 Papers Competition of The Chinese Institute of Engineers Student Chapter(109年中國工程師學會學生分會工程論文競賽).”
CongratsStudents Liu, Jia-Ming(劉家名), NCHU Graduate Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, and Hsu, Yi-Ting(徐易廷), LHU Department of Mechanical Engineering, directed by Assist. Prof. Liu, Chun-Nien(劉浚年), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with the Winner of Innovation Group in“2020 3rd Maker Competition (2020 第三屆潮創客大賽)”by the study of“未來高功率光陶瓷材料應.”
CongratsStudent Chen, Kuan-Ting(陳冠廷), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, directed by Prof. Shu-Tong Chang(張書通), NCHU Graduate Institute of Optoelectronic Engineering, was honored with“109 Certificate of Merit of Research and Development Substitute Services-Non Private Industry(109年績優研發替代役役男-非民間產業處)”from the Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan.
CongratsStudent Jhan,Ying-Hong(詹英鴻), directed by A. P. Fan, Yao-Chung(范耀中), Department of Computer Science and Engineering of EECS, was honored with Excellent Paper Award in the Information Management Group of Graduate Students in“2020 the 13th TSC Thesis Award(2020第十三屆崇越論文大賞)”by the study of“基於BERT深度學習模型之問答語句自動生成技.”
CongratsStudent Jiang, Cheng-Yang(江承陽), directed by A. P. Fan, Yao-Chung(范耀中), Department of Computer Science and Engineering of EECS, was honored with Excellent Paper Award in the Information Management Group of Graduate Students in“2020 the 13th TSC Thesis Award(2020第十三屆崇越論文大賞)”by the study of“基於BERT深度學習模型之論文語句分類.”
CongratsStudents Liu, Jia-Ming(劉家名) and Liu, Jhan-Jin(劉展錦), directed by Assist. Prof. Liu, Chun-Nien(劉浚年), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with Startup Potential Award (創業潛力獎) in “2020 FITI: From IP to IPO Program (109年科技部創新創業激勵FiTi計畫)” by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
CongratsStudent Yu-Hsuan Shen (沈宇軒), directed by Prof. Sying-Jyan Wang (王行健), Department of Computer Science and Engineering of EECS, was honored with Outstanding Prize (優勝) in“2020 T-Cat Cup National Information Security Fundamental Practical Competition (T貓盃全國資安基礎實務能力競賽).”
CongratsStudents Cheng-Yu Hsiao (蕭丞煜), Shih-Hsin Chou (周世鑫), Ju-Huan Yin (尹汝煥), Chun-Hung Hsiao (蕭鈞鴻), directed by A. P. Cheng-Lun Chen (陳正倫), Department of Electrical Engineering of EECS, were honored with Silver Medal of Adult Group in“2020 Taiwan Green Idea Invention and Design Fair (臺灣綠點子國際發明設計競賽).”


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